Recently a popular leaker @MajinBuOfficial shared a photo on X, allegedly showcasing the back cover of the upcoming iPhone 17. The photo reveals a horizontally aligned camera unit, featuring one suspected camera opening on the left and another suspected flash opening on the right. The back cover is shown in a gray finish.
A Bold New Camera Layout?
The horizontal camera design marks a departure from the traditional vertical arrangement seen on recent iPhone models. According to foreign media outlet Wccftech, the iPhone 17 and iPhone 17 Plus will likely include at least two cameras, making it unlikely that the leaked design features only one camera opening. However, they caution that it is too early to confirm, as Apple is known for experimenting with multiple prototypes during the development phase.
Potential Benefits of the New Design
If the horizontal camera layout is adopted, it could lead to a thinner overall device. By concentrating internal components around the horizontal camera area, Apple could free up space in other areas of the phone, enabling a sleeker profile.
Speculation Continues
While the leaked photo has sparked excitement, experts and media outlets agree that design details for the iPhone 17 are far from finalized. Apple’s development process often involves testing multiple iterations before settling on a final design for mass production.
As the iPhone 17 series is still in its early stages of development, more details will likely emerge in the coming months, shedding light on whether this bold new camera layout will become a reality.