Samsung faces backlash over new facial recognition security system feature

Samsung faces backlash over new facial recognition security system feature

Samsung Display has introduced a new, stringent security system which will help to prevent technology leaks. This system requires employees to undergo a full facial scan for access and continues monitoring throughout the workday. If an employee leaves their computer, or if another person is detected near the screen, the system automatically locks the display. Samsung’s affiliates, such as Samsung Electronics, Samsung SDI, and Samsung SDS, are also implementing similar measures.

The company asserts that these heightened security protocols are necessary to prevent the leakage of sensitive technology, particularly following incidents like the unauthorized transfer of OLED technology to Chinese and South Korean firms. However, labor unions have voiced strong opposition, criticizing the system as invasive and an excessive breach of employee privacy. They argue that Samsung already has sufficient safeguards in place, such as computer usage records and watermarks for remote access, and view the new system as overreaching.

This debate seems a real tension between corporate security needs and employee privacy concerns, especially in a company with a history of trade secret breaches.
